We offer a wide variety of services. At the end of the day, each one is designed to help you make progress toward your goal. No matter your background, where you are, or where you want to go, we are here to help.
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Explore Our Programs
Helping youth and young adults, 16-24, change the trajectory of their lives and their communities. Help with studying for and passing the HiSET, job skills training and leadership development.
Find a Job
We believe that meaningful work is more than just finding a job, but it’s a great place to start. We are dedicated to helping you find a job, no matter what barriers stand between you and employment.
Job Works
A kick start to your job hunt! This 6-day course helps job seekers who are just getting started or starting fresh on their career journey.
Ticket to Work
Voluntary national initiative for individuals with disabilities, offering a risk-free opportunity to try working, or to increase the number of hours worked without jeopardizing cash benefits.
Disability Services
Helping people overcome whatever barriers that stand in the way of gainful employment.
Skills Training & Certificate Programs
Find training and certification for specific career paths with great earning and growth potential. Courses include HVAC, Highway/Heavy Construction, Carpentry, Office Technology, CNA and more.
Affordable Housing
Helping make homeownership a reality for more people in our community. Preference is given to first time home buyers and down-payment assistance may be available.