JOB TRAINING – Certificate Courses
Job Point is proud to offer a wide variety of courses that have been certified to operate by the Missouri Department of Higher Education. Upon the successful completion of these courses, students can earn credentialed certificates in numerous career paths!
Through these courses, students can fast-track their career goals. With classroom and hands-on learning, they walk away with tangible skills that employers are actively looking for. Plus, these courses can be a great stepping stone to additional educational opportunities that can further enhance your career prospects.
Heavy Highway Construction
Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning
Additional Resources:
Faculty Qualifications – Revised April 2024
Admission Requirements by Program – Revised June 2022
Student Handbook – Revised March 2024
Financial Assistance May Be Available. Call 573-474-8560 or email
To make a payment for a course to which you’ve been accepted:
Job Point is an equal opportunity employer/organization. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. For Missouri Relay Services call 711. If needed, contact our Compliance Officer at 573-474-8560 for assistance in the translation and understanding of the information in the document(s) you have received. Si necesita asistencia para traducir y entender la información contenida en el documento(s) que recibió, llame al Oficial de Cumplimiento 573-474-8560.
Certified to Operate by the Missouri Department of Higher Education.
The courses listed above have been approved for students to earn credentialed certificates.
Language assistance is available in all communications of vital information, contact our Compliance Officer at 573-474-8560 for language services to have the contents of the communication provided in other languages.